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Eco-Friendly Candlewick Options

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Candle making is something you need to think about carefully, especially if you are an eco-conscious person. Most importantly, you must think through the candle-making supplies at your disposal, such as candlewicks, which come in various materials. Fortunately, you can find eco-friendly choices because of the wide array of candlewick materials in the market. This post highlights eco-friendly candlewick materials that you should consider buying.

Wooden Wicks 

Besides being environmentally friendly, wooden candlewicks have numerous other advantages. First, wooden wicks are the strongest and most rigid, making them pretty easy to work with, even for newbies. Additionally, wooden wicks are the only type compatible with most kinds of wax. Wooden wicks can be made from softwood or hardwood, but most people like the former because of the soft crackling and popping sound they make when burning. Besides hardwood and softwood, wooden candle wicks can be single or double laminated. Although previous wooden wicks were primed with oil, modern types are primed with melted wax, making them even more environmentally friendly. The natural grain on timber wicks is another feature that makes them a popular choice, at least regarding aesthetics.

Hemp Candlewicks 

As the name implies, hemp candlewicks are made from 100% organic hemp, a biodegradable and non-toxic material. Hemp wicks are characteristically extra rigid, although not like wooden wicks, and are also easy to use. One key advantage of hemp wicks is that they produce warmer flames compared to other wick types. Notably, you can buy hemp wicks pre-tabbed or in a spool if you want a variety of candlewick lengths. The best part is that most hemp wicks come already dipped in natural beeswax, meaning that you don't have to coat them when making your candles. Although hemp can work with any wax, they are ideally suited for natural waxes like soy wax.

Ribbon Candlewick 

This is a new generation candlewick material produced from 100% natural fibres. However, the fibres are specially engineered to provide a wider-base flame of a different shape consistently. Part of the engineering applied in making ribbon wicks is the weave. Although weave patterns vary among ribbon candlewicks, they are primarily designed to minimise curling and mushrooming. Unlike cotton wicks, ribbon wicks are ideal for use in containers. Ribbon wicks are an excellent alternative to timber wicks and a marketing feature if you plan to go commercial with your candle-making hobby.

Contact a candle-making supply store to learn more.
